Acceptable Use Policy

The PlanetLab Consortium (PLC) is responsbile for the day-to-day operations and is the point of contact for the M-Lab server platform. PLC also runs the separate but related PlanetLab overlay network. M-Lab tool users must also follow the PlanetLab AUP to the extent relevant.

If you are concerned about the performance of a particular M-Lab server and think it may be generating some unusual network activity, please contact PLC’s support address. For more information, visit PlanetLab’s site.

Privacy Policy

Measurement Lab is a platform for the use of independent tools created by researchers to gather information relevant to broadband services. The goal of the project is to analyze information regarding broadband networks and report this information to the public.

By accessing one of the tools, you will generate and send some data back-and-forth with an M-Lab server. The tools collect data related to the particular communication “flows” generated by the client-server test. This includes IP address. These data will be used and analyzed by researchers and, in order to advance research, these data will be made publicly available. These client-server tools do not collect personal information on M-Lab servers, such as your Internet traffic, your emails and Web searches.

Some researchers may offer client-server tests that use M-Lab, combined with separate components that measure other Internet traffic and do not rely on M-Lab. These tools will only report the client-server test data back to M-lab and will not report any data about your other Internet traffic back to the M-Lab servers. That data will go directly to the researcher responsible for the tool.

Client-server test information collected by researchers may be separately maintained by the partner entities, but only in aid of the Measurement Lab project’s research.

Researchers may ask you for personal information in furtherance of their efforts, including contact information. Before public release, contact and other personal information is viewed or analyzed only by the researchers. The conditions of gathering, use and release of such personal information is governed by your relationship with a given researcher and is independent of the partner entities of Measurement Lab. Please use discretion when providing sensitive information.

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