Here we highlight visualizations that illuminate the state of networks and M-Lab measurement. These look at the framework within which network performance and transparency testing happen, and expose this in easy to understand visualizations.
RIPEstat Widgets to Explore Networks' Activity
RIPEstat is a web-based interface developed by the RIPE NCC featuring visualization widgets and data APIs dedicated to making sense of Internet data. RIPEstat now includes:
- The Observed Network Activity widget, which shows the distribution of actively used IP addresses within a specific country or network, during a user-defined time period. An IP address is considered “active” if it originated an NDT test.
- The Observed Bandwidth Capacity widget, which shows the bandwidth distribution within a specific country or network during a user-defined time period, as measured by NDT.
As a random example, check out the bandwidth distribution in Germany (the top chart) and the distribution of active users within (the bottom chart).
How many M-Lab tests? How much M-Lab data?
Total number of tests and total amount of data
This table shows the total number of tests run on the M-Lab platform and the amount of data generated by those tests since January 2010.
Daily number of tests
This graph shows the total number of tests run daily on the M-Lab platform.
The other tabs (at the bottom) contain the daily number split by tool.Daily amount of data
This graph shows the total amount of data collected daily on the M-Lab platform. The other tabs (at the bottom) contain the daily total generated by a specific tool. Mousing over the graph line will show the exact total bytes collected for a given day, in the upper-right.
Distribution of NDT tests
Since the dawn of M-Lab (2009), see every NDT test ever run appear over time as a small dot on a vast map.
For more information about how the chart was created, see